Cutey Honey Wiki
Buzzsaw Panther
Vital statistics
Position Witch Soldier
Age 20's
Status Unknown

Buzzsaw Panther was a member of the terrorist group known as Panther Claw.


Buzzsaw Panther was a morbidly obese woman that wore a body suit which covered the majority of her body. She had hair tied into pigtails and a ugly piggish face with flared eyelashes. On her abdomen was a large buzzsaw.


Buzzsaw Panther's frame imply brute strength as well as making use of the giant buzzsaw on her belly.


  • Buzzsaw Panther was one of four designs created for the 1973 Cutie Honey anime series that never made it into the final product. The others being Mole Panther, Unicorn Panther and Kangaroo Claw. Out of said four, only Buzzsaw and Unicorn have made appearances in subsequent material.